Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mr Madden

Year 5 teacher

Class Page Proforma

Welcome back!

We are now excited for another half term.


Important Weekly Timetable:

Monday: Hand in homework, Reading Records checked

Tuesday: Music tuition (remember your instrument)

Wednesday: Homework out




Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.


This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too! 



This half term we are focusing on a range of writing styles and grammatical features using the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ to support this. We are continuing to try and use a range of punctuation, sentence types and planning structures. In Year 5 we are working really hard on our handwriting, ensuring it is all cursive, and that we’re checking our spelling is the best it can be too.


Shared Reading

In Year 5 we are working really hard on our retrieval and inference skills. We are also learning new skills to answer a range of comprehension style questions in our shared reading sessions reading ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’.



This half term we are looking at Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.


Topic – History Focused

This half term we are focussing on History and looking at Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Within this we will explore the struggle for control of Britain.


This half term we’ll be looking at Loss, Death and Christian Hope.



This half term we our looking at Forces



It’s time to get creative in our Viking jewellery project. We will be looking at the work of artist Rennie Mackintosh.



In PE we will develop our football ball skills as well as crikcet (delivered by a professional cricket coach).



In Music we are continuing our instrument tuition with Edsential, resulting in some lovely orchestral tunes as a whole class!



This half term we are using the skills we have already developed to look at word processing.



This half term focuses on greetings and simple sentences.



Within Heartsmart we are introducing how to keep our hearts healthy.


Trips – We currently have our library visits booked in as well as a York residential in June. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about this.


Look on our homework tab for all home learning links to support your child’s learning.

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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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