Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hopwood

Year 6
Assistant Head

Mrs Blockley

Year 6 teacher

Welcome Year 6!

It is the final term at Christ Church for the Y6s. There will be lots going on and we will keep you informed of events and dates. 

Please note key dates for this term-

SATs Week - 13th - 16th May 2024 

Residential to York 12th-14th June 

PE will be on a Wednesday (athletics)

Homework This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too!

Over this half term  please do one of the following activities. You can choose how to present it e.g Power Point, photos, written work. poetry, model or a song. Please hand your work in during the last week of the half term.

  1. What river would you like to visit most in the world?
  2. What animals would you find in a UK river?
  3. How can you protect our rivers?


Homework prior to SATs will be given out on a Wednesday and expected to be back in school on the Monday. This will be specific revision in preparation for the tests. Please use the ten minute test booklets to support independent work at home going forward. 

Important Weekly Timetable:

Mrs Hopwood Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Blockley Thursday-Friday

Monday: Hand in homework 


Wednesday: Homework marked together in class and PE (please come in wearing PE Kit - plain white top, black bottoms, school jumper)



Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.


We will write a formal persuasive letter about saving rivers. This will include all the features required in Y6 but we will have a specific focus on ensuring our writing meets the purpose and is adapted to suit the audience. 

We will continue to embed all the grammar and punctuation required in the KS2 curriculum. This will include semi-colons, use of the subjunctive mood and contining to use passive voice, relative clauses and a range of cohesive devices like adverbials and conjunctions.

Shared Reading

We will focus on key comprehension skills the first half term for example finding examples in the text, identifying fact and opinion and ordering small sections of text. 


We will be going over everything we have learnt so far in readiness for the SATs.

Topic - Geography

We will learn about the formation of rivers as well as the uses of rivers. We will learn to read 6 figure grid references on OS maps and will also locate rivers around the world.


Through the term we look at 'Life as Journey'. We consider our lives as journeys and also look at pilgrimage across a number of faiths. 

Art /DT

In art we will be looking at the work of Kellie Day who is a mixed media artist. We will then be making our own mixed media piece based on rivers.

We will be writing programs to control Lego Spike during our DT lessons.


Our PE lessons this half term will be athletics. 


This half  term we will be concentrating on composing our own pieces of work. We will also be preparing for the KS2 play during our music lessons.


"Fake is a Mistake" and "No Way Through Isn't True" will be our Heartsmart topics this term.


We will continue to learn about light before moving on to learning about living things and their habitats.


In Spanish we will learn about Spanish culture including Tapas and we will also look at creating descriptions of funfairs. 


Children will be learning about the Internet and World Wide Web and Networks (LAN / WAN) and creating their own blogs.



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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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