Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hopwood
Year 6
Assistant Head
Mrs Blockley
Year 6 teacher
Welcome! We are looking forward to welcoming you to Year 6 and we have lots of great activities planned for us to enjoy over the year.
PE will be on a Wednesday (cricket) and a Thursday (swimming).
Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and should be returned by the following Monday.
You are very welcome to bring in any extra project work that you may do at home to show the class.
RESIDENTIAL - PGL Boreatton Park - February 26th - 28th
SATS week May 12th - 15th
Important Weekly Timetable:
Mrs Blockley Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Hopwood Thursday-Friday
Monday: Hand in homework and reading challenge
Wednesday: Homework handed out and cricket in PE (please come in wearing PE Kit - plain white top, black bottoms, school jumper)
Thursday: Swimming - remember your costume/trunks, towel and a coat to wear to walk to the pool.
Friday: Times table test
Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.
During our English lessons we will write our own narratives before writing a biography on Frida Kahlo.
Shared Reading
We will focus on improving our comprehension skills and try to foster a love of reading through reading and discussing our class book "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell.
We will be revising our calculation methods (adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying) and developing our knowledge of place value, rounding and negative numbers.
Topic - Geography
In geography we will learn about the physical and human features of Central America and use an atlas to locate some of the major cities. We will also learn all about fair trade.
Through the term we will look at what Bible stories tell us about God, how God is reflected in worship and how God is viewed in other faiths.
Art /DT
In art we will be looking at the work of Frida Kahlo and creating our own self portrait in her style.
During our DT lessons we will learn about seasonal vegetables before designing and making our own soups.
Our PE lessons for this half term will be cricket and swimming.
During our music lessons we will be singing "Happy" by Pharrell Williams and exploring jazz music.
"Get Heartsmart" and "Don't forget to let love in" will be our Heartsmart topics this term.
First we will learn about how living things are classified into different groups before moving on to learn about evolution.
In Spanish we will learn about time,daily routines anf all about homes and houses.
The children will be learning about game design and using timers and score cards before making learning how to make animated stories.